Ameriprime Caregiver5

If you’re struggling to figure out how you can get your elderly mother to her weekly hair appointment, know that you’re not alone. Many people have caregivers who play a vital role in getting care clients out of the house and into the world. Our escort and transportation services provide seniors and the disabled with independence, freedom, and a better quality of life by encouraging engagement and socialization. We’ll accompany you to your favorite restaurant, hair salon, or shop with you while you pick out a special gift. And we’ll sit with you during church service or while you visit a friend.

Our caregivers are more than just drivers. They are attentive listeners and notetakers, helping to make sure that their clients understand their doctor’s instructions. They also provide emotional support and help with mobility during appointments and treatments. Our caregivers are carefully screened, including a check of their DMV records, and they can drive their own car or yours. Our caregivers’ cars are always equipped with proper seat belts to ensure that our clients are safe and secure during transport. And, our caregivers are trained to safely help their clients in and out of the car.

You can avail the following services in Escort & Transportation:

  • Assistance with Lifts
  • Assistance with Transfers
  • Transportation
  • Assist with Shopping

We offer compassionate one-on-one, non-medical care and quality companionship to seniors and people with special needs.


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Bonded - Insured - DOJ Verified - Long Term Care Benefits & Insurance Welcome - Credit Cards Accepted