Adult Respite

Adult Respite

We know that caring for an aging family member is tough. We see the stress that comes with it every day in the shoulders and new worry lines on the faces of family caregivers...
Personal Care

Personal Care

Good personal hygiene is important for many reasons. Not only does it help fight off illness, but it can also boost self-confidence and esteem. Our caregivers are trained....
Dementia Care

Dementia Care

While age-related forgetfulness is a part of the normal aging process, brain diseases like Alzheimer's and other dementias can cause disruptions with thinking, behaviour, and memory....
Companion Services

Companion Services

Being social and having emotional support is crucial for a healthy mind and body--but finding someone you can trust to provide that companionship can be difficult.....
Homemaker Services

Homemaker Services

Keeping the house clean can be difficult, especially as we age and simple tasks become more difficult. Our light housekeeping services can....
Meal Preparation Services

Meal Preparation

Cooking can be a lot of pressure, especially when you want to make sure that what you're eating is both delicious and healthy. If you're finding that cooking....
Medication Reminders

Medication Reminders

As we get older, it seems like the print gets smaller and smaller. Medications can help improve our quality of life, and some of them are even lifesaving. However, medication...
Pet Care Services

Pet Care

Pets provide companionship and emotional support, which can reduce stress and improve mental well-being. They also require time, effort, and financial commitment to care....
Ameriprime Caregiver5

Escort & Transportation

If you're struggling to figure out how you can get your elderly mother to her weekly hair appointment, know that you're not alone. Many people have caregivers who play....

Post-Hospitalization care

We provide top-tier discharge services and a wide range of assistance with activities of daily living and rehabilitation. The hospital-to-home transition can be difficult and especially....

Hourly Services

Looking for some extra help around the house? Check out our A La Carte services! Whether you need help for an hour or overnight, we're here to help with whatever you need....

We are pleased to offer you the chance to have the healthy

We offer compassionate one-on-one, non-medical care and quality companionship to seniors and people with special needs.


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